Apixaban - How It's Used And What Side Effects May Occur

Posted by Admin on March, 19, 2024

Apixaban prevents particular blood clotting components from working. This medicine works as an anticoagulant, which prevents blood from clotting. Apixaban is recommended for patients with atrial fibrillation, the hazard of stroke or blood clots.

Individuals who have, as of late, experienced hip or knee substitution surgery are less likely to create blood clots in their legs or lungs if they take Apixaban. Apixaban cures blood clots and reduces the chance of repeating the legs deep vein thrombosis (DVT) or the lungs' pneumonic embolism.

This medicine is regularly used to decrease the hazard of blood clots. Apixaban is additionally approved for treating deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and pneumonic embolism (PE) and preventing modern blood clots from creating.


Prevent blood clots and stroke

Treat deep vein thrombosis (DVT)

Treat pulmonary embolism (PE)

Prevent DVT or PE from recurring

Prevent DVT who've had hip or knee replacement surgery

Side Effects of Apixaban

Side effects from Apixaban can extend from minor to severe. Some critical side effects that seem to happen when taking Apixaban are recorded below.

Talk to your specialist or Apixaban tablet dealers to encourage subtle elements of Apixaban's potential side effects. They can prompt you on how to handle any awkward side effects.

1. Simple Bruising

Bruises are created when capillaries, the littlest blood vessels beneath the skin, burst and start to spill, discoloring the zone in this manner. Blood thinners are made to moderate blood clotting, which makes it take longer for broken blood vessels to halt spreading.

2. Anemia

Apixaban may result in bleeding, which might result in anemia. Another frequent adverse effect is nausea.

3. Nausea

Sickness may be a potential side effect of taking Apixaban. If you're encountering nausea while taking Apixaban, it is essential to contact your specialist for counsel. They can prescribe ways to oversee sickness or adjust your medication to decrease this side effect.

4. Muscle Weakness

Call your specialist promptly if you have tingling, deadness, or muscle weakness, especially in your legs or feet. Other medicines should not be taken unless your specialist has examined them.

5. Joint Pain

As often as possible, it influences individuals in their medium to late life and can harm the whole joint, including the bone, cartilage, joint lining, and tendons. Warfarin could be a blood slenderer and anticoagulant that represses the activity of vitamin K to reduce the hazard of blood clots.

6. LowBlood Pressure

Blood thinners like Apixaban will offer assistance in lowering your blood Pressure. Moreover, it makes a difference in diminishing atrial fibrillation.

Apixaban Warnings

Educate your specialist about any therapeutic issues before starting with Apixaban tablets. Before utilizing Apixaban, examine your medicinal history along with your specialist.


Apixaban does, in fact, thin the blood and act as an anticoagulant. Coagulation is the term used to portray the way your blood clots. Apixaban decreases your blood's capacity to clot. Side effects from Apixaban can run from minor to severe. Hence, be spry if you suspect any side effects of a blood clot and counsel a specialist.

This entry was posted on March, 19, 2024 at 10 : 19 am and is filed under Apixaban 25mg Tablets. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response from your own site.

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